Schistosomiasis disease is caused by infections with parasitic blood flukes known as schistosomes. The control of schistosomiasis over the last several decades has been centered on the mass drug administration (MDA) of praziquantel (PZQ), which is the only drug currently available for treatment. Over the last several decades, chemotherapy using praziquantel has been a commonly used strategy for the treatment and control of schistosomiasis. However, the general consensus in the field is that the integration of a viable vaccine with MDA and other control measures offer the best chance of achieving the goal of schistosomiasis elimination. This review focuses on the present status of schistosomiasis vaccine candidates in different phases of human clinical trials and provide some insight into future vaccine discovery and design.

A vaccine would contribute to the reduction of schistosomiasis morbidity through induced immune responses leading to decrease in parasite load and reduced egg production. This vaccine could be administered to children between the ages of 3 and 12 years to prevent severe infection in a particularly high risk population. This review summarizes the current status of schistosomiasis vaccine development.


An itchy rash can appear on the skin, known as “swimmers itch”. Sometimes a fever can develop 2-6 weeks later, with diarrhoea, cough or other symptoms (“Katayama fever”). Long-term infection may have no symptoms for years. Avoid water sports, swimming or wading in fresh water lakes and rivers in the tropics. If crossing a river cannot be avoided, wear waterproof footwear and try to find an area where the water is fast flowing. Schistosomiasis cannot be caught by swimming in seawater or in chlorinated swimming pools.

It’s easy to find travel vaccinations and travel clinics near you, especially if you already know which vaccinations you need for your trip .The Goldchem Pharmacy will guide you regarding the advise on vaccination(If appropriate) and food and water precaution. The vaccine may also be free for eligible patients. Ask for more information to member of our team on vaccination program.